
Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Brownies


These gluten-free, sugar-free brownies came out pretty much perfectly. It’s a gluten-free recipe that you won’t want to miss! I have to admit, I was a bit surprised because my brownie-making history isn’t very good.

Okay fine. I did overbake them a bit. I pretty much over-bake everything. I live in fear of gooey things that shouldn’t be gooey.


Image shows a stack of chocolate brownies, with text that reads "Gluten-free, Sugar-free brownies"

Gabriel and I went on a sugar-free challenge for the whole month of January. But I had to get a chocolate fix from somewhere, and that jar of honey in the pantry seemed like a natural fit.

I’ve been getting some flack lately over on the Healthy No-Bake Cookies Recipe for calling recipes using honey by the sugar-free label. In my mind, sugar is white, nutritionally devoid granules, and because honey is healthy, I feel comfortable using it as a substitute and don’t think of it as sugar at all.

From a diabetic perspective, it does still cause an insulin spike but, newsflash: all carbs do!

Image shows several brownies stacked on top of one another

The key to controlling blood sugar isn’t just limiting fructose, it’s in carefully controlling and balancing the protein, fat, and carbs, not eating too many carbs, and eating them smartly – with fats and proteins to help slow the breakdown and subsequent sugar-spike.

Okay, I’m not going to dive into the nuts and bolts of things, I’ll just point you to Dr. Mercola, and Dr. Agatston for more reading.

So… back to the brownies. I guess we’ll just call them refined sugar-free. These were interesting to make. I searched high and low for a recipe that was both sugar-free and gluten-free and didn’t come up with much. Maybe I just missed it.

We would have just made black bean brownies… but I couldn’t find any black beans. Sigh. Homemaker fail. 😉

One big problem I’ve had in the past with finding a good brownie recipe is that they all call for bakers chocolate – and I don’t have bakers chocolate, I have a 25 pound bag of cocoa. So after some trial and error, we came of with a pretty darn good recipe if I do say so myself. And it’s more economical, thanks to the little cocoa powder swap.

Image shows several chocolate brownies on a table and cooling rack

Try these delicious brownies using the recipe below!


Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Brownies

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If you need to feed your sweet tooth, but have dietary restrictions, this recipe is perfect for you.

  • Author: Elise




  1. Preheat oven to 350º
  2. Mix dry ingredients together.
  3. Beat egg, and add it to the dry mixture with the butter, honey and vanilla.
  4. Pour into a greased 8×8 baking dish.
  5. Bake for 15-25 minutes – depending on how you like your brownies on the gooey-cakey scale.
  6. Enjoy!

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  1. These brownies are amazing! Thank you for sharing, our whole family ate some including my son with autism who was very excited when he saw these baking! I think he feels some hope after our first week as a family going gluten free sugar free 🙂

    1. I’m not all that experienced with using coconut flour. It is different, and tends to soak up moisture a lot more, so that may affect your end result, but I do think it would work better than almond flour.

  2. Pingback: 3increasing
  3. I’m sorry, but it’s misleading to call a recipe that contains honey “Sugar free”. It isn’t. If you use honey, raisins, dates, bananas etc. in a recipe, it still contains sugar — just not “refined” sugar so to speak. Admittedly, it’s almost impossible to get a good flavor just by using sugar substitutes (Stevia, etc.). From my experience, they all still leave a bitter note/back of the throat aftertaste that’s hard to mask. Thank you, though, for the effort. Hoping there will be a breakthrough someday with a natural sugar substitute that actually tastes good.

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