
How To Keep Cut Avocados Fresh

With this simple “trick” you’ll learn how to keep cut avocados fresh, and never waste them again!
Gabriel and I aren’t really big fans fo avocados, so I haven’t bought very many during the years we’ve been married. But now Haddassah is suddenly eating everything she can get her hands on, and I’m dettermined to get her off to a good start with healthy food habits.

So, I’ve been buying avocados for her. The problem is, she only eats a them a little bit at a time, so I end up having an avocado in the fridge for two or three days that has been cut into.

When avocado flesh is exposed to the air, it begins to oxidize, turning brown.

Fortunately, all you have to do to stop the oxidization is seal the air out.

So how do you keep cut avocados fresh in your fridge? Smother them with butter!

I assume coconut oil or lard would work too, but the consistency of butter works really well – and I don’t really want Haddassah eating the lard that may stick to the avocado at this point.

I usually cut a “plug” out of the avocado all the way down to the core.

And then fill it up.

No butter is wasted because later, when I pull the avocado out of the fridge, and Baby H finishes eating it, I’ll use whatever butter’s left to fry eggs or something.

Hey, presto! There you have it!

You could of course, cut the whole thing up and store it in a conatiner of water, but I feel like the water carries a lot of the nutrition out of the fruit, so I prefer to use butter – nothing gets in, and just as importantly, nothing seeps out.

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