
Natural Remedies For Coughs


How many natural cough remedies are there? Oh let me count them… Okay, not all of them. There’s no way I could list that many, but as I’ve done more and more research into natural health , I’ve been blown away by how many effective home remedies there are for the common cold.

Natural Remedies For Cough

As I’ve said before, I tend to just let things run their course for myself, and if the coughing gets bad at night, I jut reach for a cough drop (which is so smart, ya know? Fall asleep with a cough drop in your mouth and just hope you don’t inhale it. :P), but with kids, you don’t just let them suffer through it – you look for ways to treat the symptoms as well as the source.

So it’s with them in mind that I know present…

Natural Remedies For Coughs

  1. Homemade Cough Syrup. This simple, but effective mixture uses onion to cut through the phlegm, and honey and coconut oil to coat irritated mucus membranes. It’s surprisingly powerful stuff!
  2. Homemade Cough drops. If only I’d known how easy these were to make, I’d have done it years ago! Honey and herbal tea are the only things you need for this amazing cough remedy!
  3. Herbal Tea with Honey And Lemon. This easy remedy is somewhat of a tradition for many, and works wonders to sooth sore throats!
  4. Onion Juice. Don’t have all the ingredients on hand to make cough syrup? Don’t worry, onion juice is powerful all on it’s own. No promises on how well your kids will like it though. 😉
  5. Honey And Cinnamon. Mix a spoonful of raw honey with a dash of cinnamon to take advantage of the soothing, and bacteria fighting benefits of both!
  6. Slippery Elm Bark. Break a capsule of slippery elm into a small amount of water to help sooth irritated throats and tummies.
  7. Steam. Take a long, hot shower, or use a humidifier to loosen the mucus and open airways. Also, keeping a humidifier going in dry climates, can work wonders!
  8. Mullein Tea. Helps open airways and relieve chest congestion. Be sure to sweeten it with raw honey for an extra boost!

Whatever you do make sure you drink enough liquids! Without enough fluid, your body cannot effectively fight illness. So above all, drink water! Drinking bone broth, and other nutrient-dense liquids are also very helpful, and while they may not immediately stop your coughing, they will help you regain your health that much more quickly, and stave off future coughing, so in my opinion, they’re the best of all these natural remedies for coughs!

Obviously you all know that I’m not a doctor or nutritionist (Note: this is a disclaimer!), this is just little ‘ol me passing on information that we love, and have found helpful.

If you would care to share your thoughts in the comment section, we’d love to know your favorite home remedy for coughing and colds!

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