Memory Verses For Moms – Ephesians 4:29


In my family, Bible memorization has always been important, but somehow, after having kids, I let it slide to the back burner.

So this year, one of my big New Year’s resolutions is to memorize a new verse every week.

In a way, one verse doesn’t seem like much – not when I know I can memorize two a day if I work at it, but I want really memorize it. To internalize it, and know it by heart.

Like those ABC bible verses your kindergarten teacher taught you when you were five years old. You never forget those.

Can I just be honest for a minute? Every time I read this verse, I feel a little stab in my heart.

I fail. Every day.

Do not let any unwholesome talk com out of your mouths.

Yeah. Failed.

Image shows a download of Ephesians 4:29 - Bible Verses For Moms

But I love how the verse encourages us to build others up according to their needs. The Bible recognizes the individualness of the people you talk to!

As a mom, that means so much, because every child has individual needs, and so I need to taylor the things I say to them “that it may benefit those who listen.”

The things I say should always benefit my family. It just makes sense!

And yet it’s so hard.

Image depicts the bible quote Ephesiens 4:29

Hard not to snap when things get hectic. Hard not to brush them off. Hard not to get angry with their silliness sometimes.

If you can relate to this, then I encourage you to join me in memorizing this verse. Write it out, print it out and hang it up where you’ll be sure to see it.

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