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Project Fit Pregnancy: Week 37 And Prepping For Baby


We had a bit of a crazy weekend with farm work and a surprise birthday party for dad, so I’m combining what should have been Saturday’s post on baby prepping with today’s fit pregnancy post.

Moving Garrett’s clothing and stuff into his new room wasn’t a big deal, and I’m enjoying the extra dresser space for a more organized diaper stash as a result.

I pulled out some newborn things when I was in the storage trailer exchanging my winter maternity wardrobe for non-maternity summer things, and washed them this morning. Not very many things of course, since we don’t know whether we’re having a girl or a boy, so I’ll still have some extra space for those diapers for a while.

Garrett was most excited about the new mattress in his room. At first, I thought we’d just put his current bed (a pack-n-play) in here to smooth the transition, but since he often get up at night to potty, and his room is way across the house from our where I’m afraid we won’t hear him, I decided just to put a mattress on the floor. Hat way when he *does start sleeping in there, he can get up and come get us since there won’t be crib railings in the way.

I hope to start putting him in there for naps tomorrow, but at the rate things are going, we may have to set up a bed pallet on out own bedroom floor for him when I commandeer his pack-n-play to use as the new baby’s bassinet.

Just to be clear, this isn’t one of those crunchy, co-sleeping, attachment parenting problems. Garrett sleeps in his own bed. It’s simply a matter of the bedroom being so far away, and me being paranoid about things like house fires…

So, on to freezer cooking. You wanna know something funny? Garrett like all of the ingredients that go I to making gumbo, but put them all together I the lot, and he won’t touch them. It disappoints me. I love gumbo. But with that in mind, I guess it’s a good thing I was only able to make 4 freezer meals worth of the delicious stuff.

The other meal was chicken pot pie. Time consuming, but oh so worth it. I made a mistake though. Instead of lining my pans with parchment paper as usual, I used waxed paper, and now they’re stuck. Any time I try to pull them out, he waxed paper tears. I finally covered them, pie plates and all with plastic wrap until I come up with a solution. (Ideas anyone?).

So the grand total of meals in the freezer is now up to 22. Yippee! His makes me feel so much better about the upcoming newborn era.

This coming week, I hope to freeze some bread, and perhaps make a different variety of chicken enchiladas (why am I so stuck on Mexican casseroles?!), plus, get my birthing supplies together.

Fit pregnancy.

Project Fit Pregnancy: Preparing For The Baby

So many doctors and midwives really stress exercising, primarily by walking during he last weeks of pregnancy. I think it’s funny – in a twisted sort of way, because at this stage, you can hardly help getting lots of walking in – even if t all comes in the form of walking from the kitchen to the bathroom 200x/day.

Did I mention how excited I am that as of today, baby is officially considered full term? Oh yeah! I woke up this morning and started counting off all the (supposed) “natural” ways to induce labor, but Gabriel gave me a dirty look, so I guess I’ll hold off. (I’m just kidding of course, I wasn’t really going to drink castor oil… much). Having been up at least five times during the night, and having the braxton-hicks contractions get more serious over the last week – I guess I was just a little fed up this morning.

Anyway, as for exercise, and keeping fit, I haven’t been walking nearly as much. As I mentioned last week, Garrett and I have been enjoying bicycle transportation around the farm a lot. I don’t know if that’ll last over the next few weeks, but for now, even though it’s a little harder what with being hunched over the belly while peddling, it doesn’t take nearly as long to get where we’re going, so all told, it’s a lot easier than walking. Plus there’s the amusment aspect of Garrett grabbing my waist-band to pull me back down into the seat when I stand up to peddle up a hill.

Weights have been a little pathetic, as they really have been for the last several weeks. I back-squatted 65 pounds Saturday – my previous warm up set – and felt like that was all my aching pelvis could take. I plan to stick with goblet squats this week. We’ll see how that goes. Don’t be surprised if I come back next week reporting that I’m now doing body-weight only. I have a feeling that’s what we’re headed toward.


Goblet Squat (kettlebell):

25 lb x 8 reps
25 lb x 8 reps
25 lb x 8 reps

Stiff-Legged Barbell Deadlift:

55 lb x 5 reps
55 lb x 5 reps
55 lb x 5 reps
55 lb x 5 reps
55 lb x 5 reps

Alternating Kettlebell Row:

36 lb x 10 reps
36 lb x 10 reps
36 lb x 10 reps


Barbell Squat:

45 lb x 5 reps
45 lb x 5 reps
65 lb x 5 reps
65 lb x 5 reps
65 lb x 5 reps

Stiff-Legged Barbell Deadlift:

65 lb x 6 reps
65 lb x 6 reps
65 lb x 6 reps
65 lb x 6 reps

Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (OHP):

45 lb x 5 reps
45 lb x 5 reps
45 lb x 5 reps
65 lb x 5 reps
65 lb x 5 reps
65 lb x 5 reps

As you can see, I’ve included my warm up sets this time around. at this point, there’s very little difference between the warm-up and the actual work out. I was expecting that to happen eventually. Hoping against it, but expecting it.

And now I’m off to be really active. Do some jumping jacks… bouce on an exercise ball… you know, just have some fun. *cough cough*

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